Well this is my first post after I change my blog's interface. Somehow i just like it. And also my tumbr new interface, i change it too since i have nothing to do anyway. Then since i've got nothing to do then i've nothing to write actually. Well I was reading a manga and it seems interesting. It somehow reminds me of my own story hahaha. After i've finish reading this stuff maybe i'll review it.
Oh yes for this post i think to use english. And why do you think? It because i'm going to reviewing a film that i watch lately. Haha. As usual right? When it comes to reviewing Japanese or Korean i'll use english. Yeah just pray i could finish it with good result, and this James Bond film won't distract my concentration.
Right, for spoiler the movie that i'll review is the reason ehy my pen name is 'Kaoru' nyehe. It's given by my friend actually when i was in junior high. It will be paired for me and her. Hers is 'Hikaru'. Can guess it? Then the movie that I will review is... #drumroll
Yeay! I just go arround to buy some movies and this what i've got. I've already wanting it since i know that this manga already be filmed. I've never thought that it already in market. And well of course when the other reason is i want to see how does Kyoya Outori will be look like. Aaaaaaand it's really incridible, he really a cool type! You're good choosing the cast! XD #hikaruandkaorugoodjobpose #nosebleededalready.
Ehmm well before my fingirling starts and ruin everything. Let me tell you what film it is. Ouran High School Host Club or Ouran Koukou Hosuto Kuraabu is one of manga that was published in Hana to Yume. This manga was write by Bisco Hatory. This comic has a romance comedy genre, or yah for me its full of stupidity that Tamaki done. Hehe. And now the comic turn into live action. How funny to watch them all (especially That Dump Tamaki) for real.
And how was the story goes?
This story is start tell about a schoolar receiver named Fujioka Haruhi. Haruhi get the schoolar because of the director of that school. That schools name is Ouran High School. This school is a school for rich people. Even Hatuhi can't buy the school uniform, and just wearing a 'boy look' dress. For Haruhi as a 'common people' the rich person is just people who like wasting their money. Haruhi promise not to get involved in their live and just continued studying as a 'common people'. But fate not always the same as we wish. Haruhi searching for a calm place to studying, and went to 3rd music room class. When Haruhi opened the door, Haruhi say 6 handsome name that introduce themselves as a host club. They was feeling disappointed to know that the person that was come is a 'guy' too. But Tamaki Suoh still continued babbling about them and start introduce the member. From a cool type as a vice leader (or it should be said a leader behind the shadows) Kyouya Ootori. The forbiden lover twin Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. The loli-shota type (the cute one i think) Haninozuka Mitsukuni. The Wild type Morinozuka Takashi. And the prince type Suoh Tamaki. While Haruhi still didn't understand the situation suddenly she crashed a vas behind her. Unfortunately that vas was 8million yen. And because of this starting for that day Haruhi began as a slave. And starting that day it will tur out her live too.
The first mistaken that Haruhi made is to buy a coffee instant instead a coffee seed. The fact that 'the rich student' clueless about what is the coffee instant is. And start thinking a 'weird' thing like 'a common people not have much time to grill their own coffee' (yare yare ==a). When Haruhi want to go to buy the seed one, Tamaki stop her and ask her to teach them how to make it.
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watching Haruhi making instant coffee #haa~ no offence |
Tamaki shows his interest in Haruhi. And find that Haruhi has an pheromone to be a host (yep all of them, except Kyoya still misunderstanding and think that Haruhi is a boy). They started to hlep Hruhi to change her outfit. And one by one member find out that Haruhi is a girl altough they didn't say it, yahh except the stupid one, Tamaki actually. In other way, somehow one of the guest being jealous because of Tamaki's attention of Haruhi. And she started bullying her (altough in this case the guest still think that Haruhi is a boy). Then sort of story after being bullied, Tamaki knows that Haruhi is a girl. He really shock and this where the story begin..
That's all! Haha. I don't think telling the whole episode will be good, since its comedy it rather good to be watch by yourself. Both manga, anime, and the live action are worth to see. They have their own several uniqueness :)
Let me see, maybe its good to let you know the cast. Ikimashoo yoo~
First Fujioka Haruhi. The only normal one in this film. He lived with his father that was worked as an okama (should i tell that is 'banci', what is that in english i'm not really sure). His mother died when she was 10. This makes her being really independent, and not cute at all (i wonder haha). He really fear thunder but somehow didn't want others seeing her. The kindness of Tamaki makes her having such an attention of him.
And the lucky one to become Haruhi is Kawaguchi Haruna. Didn't really sure who is she, since i never pay attention a lot to an actress. But as Haruhi she has a good point to role as her. The cool and unaware Haruhi was being palyed good. And also the appearance of Haruna could describe Haruhi well. That 'girlish boy look' i mean.

Tamaki Suoh was played by Yuusuke Yamamoto. Glad he played as Tamaki. Altough i was thinking that Ikuta Toma is really match for this role before. But Yuusuke was also good. First time i know him is when i watch Hana-Kimi he played as Kayashima Taiki. Such a dump role also. I love his act in that film, i laugh at his act. His expressionless face really funny, haha. Really match to be Kayashima. When i first see the trailer, i was shocked, and didn't expect that he would played as Tamaki. When i see him playing as Tamaki, and suddenly i know, i want to throw my shoes towards him. I suddenly feel how is 'Haruhi's feeling'. How annoying he is. Hahaha it's funny, for sure :D

The cast for the admirable Kyoya is Daito Shunsuke. Ah my heart beating fast just say his name. Rrrr ah he realy good played as Kyoya. Best ever! He really make me hug the pillows and bite it while watching whole episodes. I do that in order to stop me from screaming loud. And it makes me junk every where to express how cool he is. And for you guys that i send text, sorry for disturb. Hehe. To think of it, i haven't done such a fingirling time since i entered college. Happy to doing this and that again, yah, somehow it could reduce amount of my guilty perhaps. Okay back to topic. First time i see him is in Hana-Kimi too, same as Yuusuke right? But i don't really realized that. He played as Shin Sano, The brother of the main cast Izumi Sano. That's way i feel kind of familiar with his grind. You know, he is realyyyyy cool. When he smile ahhhhh i can't hide my own smile, and start punching the bed haha. And my tumblr start being filled with him instead. Daito Shunsuke anata no waratte no kao ga saikou~~~ XDD
Then skip to others (if i don't skip i won't stop telling about daito all of the time). Next is Kaoru and Hikaru Hitachiin, the twin. They was played by Manpei and Shinpei Takagi. The complex twin, didn't want to be separated but didn't want to be judge the same each. Haruhi was the first one that able recognize the different between two correctly while the others can't (even their parents). You know? I don't really like yaoi or yuri things. That's way when i see them somehow, i just feel uneasy. Yah, i know that just only a role that Tamaki ask to them to play with. And now, seeing in live action version!? #nosebleeded.
Yeay! i like them. I like Takagi twin! :). Their evil smirk when they teasing Tamaki was worth to do. Let's played with him, it look really clear in their face when they teased 'Yuusuke'. I like Kaoru! He really mature one betwen the two. Haha and that's why my friend named me Kaoru, while she named her Hikaru. Haha reminds me still. Anyway, Takagi twin is really cool! Yahuuuu~
Next Haninozuka Mitsukuni or usually called Honey - senpai. The 3rd grade but still looked cute (?). Altough he was really good on karate and any other martial art he really like sweet thins like cake, ice cream, and even a doll. His look is really cute, and he also was really short. and i'm sure it makes him more cute. The cute Honey - senpai was played by Chiba Yudai, and Nishida Shogo (chibi version). Yah, altough Chiba Yudai is too tall to describe the little Honey. He is 10 ccm (whaddya he is taller than me -___-), but after all it's hard, isn't it to find a person that has a physically same as Honey. So it okay I think. Chiba Yudai is good too. And haha he has a cute face too anyway.
The last but still important our calm, Morinozuka Takashi. The role was played by Nakamura Masaya. He is a cousin of Honey- senpai. But in the past Morinozuka family was Haninozuka's slave so until now, Mori - senpai always play a role as a shield for Honey - senpai. Nakamura - san is as old as Young Saeng, hehe. And the fact is he already married with an actress too. Wuhuu, this is unexpected info for me haha.
Yup, finish! That's all the character. But still i want to talk about Daito Shunsuke :3. Haha.
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anime/manga version. Kyoya as cool as usual XD |
Yoshaaa, currently working on Hidetoshi Nishijima, Daito Shunsuke, Team Batista 2 : Generai Rouge no Gaisen, Paradise Kiss, Boku to Star No 99 Nichi, How to Date an Otaku Girl, Masayuki Sakamoto - V6. Haha wish me luck to do that. Haa~ lot of things that should be done. And hope this Futatsu no Spica could be downloaded :)
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