Well, it's actually not a new thing about the comeback of Sechs Kies. Even I wasn't their fan back then. I know that recently some of an old group make their comeback, and it including SES and Sechs Kies. I feel curious about that so I decided to see the group, and here I am chanting their song hahahahaha. As expected old group never betray you. Although, at some point, I really questioning about my music taste, why I always like the old group, even in Japan I like the senior groups like SMAP and V6. (-_____-)

Although, as not as old as Japanese Boyband SMAP (debuted 1988) or V6 (debuted 1995), Sechs Kies is a legend in Korean boyband industry. Off course, their comeback really makes a huge commotion. They even signed their contract with YG now.
Their picture before disband (image source: google)
Sechs Kies debuted in 1997 with their debuted album School Byeolgok (학원별곡). They debuted under DSP entertainment and I think this is one of the reasons why I got attached to them (feels like SS501 *sigh). They consisted of 6 person like their name which literally means six crystal. They were Eun Jiwon (은지원) as Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Vocalist; Lee Jae-jin (이재진) as Sub Rapper, Main Dancer; Kim Jaeduck (김재덕) as Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer; Kang Sunghun (강성훈) as Main Vocalist; as Ko Ji Yong (고지용) as Lead Vocalist; Jang Suwon (장수원) as Sub-Vocalist, Maknae. 

Maybe all of you now about them and some of you don't even know who they are (like me). This is because they disbanded before Korean Wave make a huge hit. They disbanded in 2000. After that, they go the separate way. Their first reappearance is in a variety show named Infinity Challange (episode 476-478). Their concept like a throwback and Sechs Kies is planned to have a guerilla concert. However, out of 6 only 5 member come. Ko Ji Yong can't fully participate, the reason is because he is a business man now. He can't participate off course, he already has their own responsibility now. If you really curious about them you can watch this series, it is really nerve-wracking and touching. I am sure you can't get over with it. As for me, I can't stop crying watching it hahahaha.

In the end after this episode, Sechs Kies finally really come back with only five members in 2016. Their first song is Three words. A calm song that really goes well with their voice tone, especially Kang Sunghun voice. In the same year, they also release another album "2016 Re-album", which consist my favorite songs titled Couple. In my opinion, they all have a charismatic voice. I can't comment on their dance since it's basically a normal back then (I've seen a lot of dances like that you know my favorite boyband usually err.. well hehe). However, in term acrobatic dance, I admit they are really good. I believe almost all of the senior boyband are the best in term acrobatic dance and ballad song (I love it so much).
Sechs Kies 2016, appearance on Running Man (image source: google)
All of the members has their own charisma. Their leader Eun Ji Won, I don't really expect he was a boyband before, since he really absurd hahaha. When I know he is a boyband member and moreover a leader, I just can't believe it, hehehe. Lee Jae-Jin *deep sigh* okay just see the infinity challenge and see how unique he is hahaha. Kim Jae-Duck, I've seen him before with Tony (HOT) in happy together. I found that he is really feminine, however, wait until he dances you will know how cool he is. Kang Sunghun! when I first saw their MV for 'Couple', I think he is the MV model, not Sechs Kies model. His face isn't aged at all. He is really cool. Where else you could see a man with age over 30 and still loveable with pink dyed hair. Jang Suwon which is well known for his robotic acting. He is really handsome and sometimes weird, I find him attractive hahaha. That's the five members that still continue their group activities in 2016.

Although they are only five now I think they still have their rhythm. You can see that they get a lot of attention after their appearance in Infinity Challange. Even after they released the album in 2016 they proved it, that they don't loose their touch. They got 3 awards in that year too which are Click!Star Wars Awards Hall of Fame; 6th Gaon Chart Kpop Awards Artist of the Year (Song); and 8th Melon Music Awards, Hall of Fame.
Ko Ji Yong and his son, Sung Jae on The Return of Superman (Image Source: google)
And how about Ko Ji-young? Since his schedule, he couldn't join them. However, you could see him on the return of superman. Yup, he is the new superman alongside with his son Sung Jae. His son really adorable. I've fallen in love with his son. Maybe some of you will ask, why he can make time for TROS and couldn't make it for the group. It is because TROS shooting is scheduled for the weekend and not as intensive as if he participate in the group. Anyway, you will see in the Infinity Challange that he still has their love for his group.

I still couldn't talk a lot about them since I am new too. However, please do support them *bow.

Couple MV (credit: Sechs Kies youtube channel)

"…Aku dapat merasakan batas-batas kemampuan manusia -bahwa kesempurnaan tertentu hanya dapat dicapai melalui akumulasi tidak terbatas dari ketidaksempurnaan. Dan secara pribadi, hal itu bagiku memberi dorongan" Haruki Murakami - Dunia Kafka.

Akhirnya tahun berganti lagi, dan sekarang waktunya tahun 2017! Selamat tahun baru masehi kawan-kawan. Yup, tahun masehi, ini hanya masalah metode, masehi dan hijriyah. So why bother? Hahahaha.

Ini pergantian tahun yang 25 kalinya dalam hidup gw. Untuk kali ini gw lebih memilih untuk tidur hahahaha. Tahun lalu tahun baru gw rayakan di Sevel di suatu daerah di Jakarta. Maklum ada tugas liputan keesokan harinya, hal ini membuat gw gak bisa balik ke rumah. Dan begitulah gw memulai 2016. Dengan bekerja dan segudang pertanyaan tentang mau dibawa ke mana hidup ini. Bisa dibilang awal tahun 2016 diisi dengan segudang pertanyaan. Teka-teki masa depan.

Kalau mau diriview 2016 itu bisa dibilang perjalanan yang penuh up and down. Pada akhirnya gw berhasil meraih mimpi yang gw idam-idamkan selama ini, menjadi jurnalis. Pekerjaan itu udah gw geluti dari 2015 pertengahan sebenernya. Sejak kecil gw emang pengen jadi jurnalis karena pengaruh film anchor women yang gw tonton kelas 3 SD. Film jepang yang sukses mempengaruhi pola pikir gw bahkan hingga sekarang, walaupun gw aja udah ga inget filmnya kaya apa. Hahahhaha.

Awal tahun lalu, dibuka dengan tugas gw sebagai jurnalis di ekonomi, sektor rill. Di sinilah rasa-rasanya pergelutan makin menjadi. Setelah bekerja menjadi jurnalis di bidang politik ada berbagai macam pikiran yang berkecamuk di kepala. Puncaknya ketika akhirnya diberi kesempatan bekerja di sektor ril, lebih tepatnya ketika diberi tugas ngepos di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. Apa saya ingin kembali bekerja di sana? Entahlah, tapi bukan itu. Hahaha. Bekerja di sana membuat gw semakin kangen dengan bidang keilmuan gw sendiri, hidrologi (?) hehehe. Itu yang bikin gw ingin melanjutkan kuliah gw. Ada berbagai macam alasan sih sebenernya.

Ada dua persimpangan besar yang harus gw pilih di tahun lalu. Bekerja di bidang yang saya impi-impikan atau bekerja sesuai minat akademis. Gw tau dua duanya gak mudah dan penuh ketidakpastian. Apalagi minat akademis, hidrologi, mau gawe di mana. Resikonya sama-sama besar. Sama-sama gak pasti.

Di tengah pergelutan itu, gw diberikan sakit. Bukan sakit parah, cuma kaya lu kontrol ke lab ternyata ada beberapa hasil yang jelek. Jadi bukan sakit lebih ke preventif. Tapi itu sukses bikin bedrest beberapa bulan. Di sanalah gw akhirnya merenung dan merenung lagi. Karena meratapi gak menyelesaikan semuanya, gw akhirnya memutuskan menggunakan waktu untuk belajar bahasa inggris hahahahhaha. Dan bebuah sertifikat IELTS yang gw pengen :3. 

Setelah meditasi cukup lama, akhirnya gw memutuskan keluar dan mencoba mencari cara buat kuliah. Daftar kuliah sangatlah gampang. Saat ini ada 3 LoA yang sudah di tangan dan satu Professor yang sedang berkorespondsi dengan saya. Tapi emang belum rezeki beasiswa nya belum ada hahaha.Life never so easy anyway.

Di tengah masa pencarian, apapun itu, gw beruntung, gw berhasil kerja dengan dosen gw. Dan banyak mendapat pencerahan di bidang yg gw minati. Antara excited sama bingung hahah. Ternyata ilmu gw masih cere. Hahahahha.

Anyway, lagi di awal 2017 gw masih diisi kegalauan. Soal hidup, cinta, cita, dan masa depan. Apa boleh buat itu lah hidup. Selalu ada tanda tanya besar ketika kita berhasil melampaui satu tanda-tanya. Pada akhirnya tanda tanya itu baru akan berhenti ketika ajal menjemput.

Cheers, hope this 2017 full of beautiful memories again!

Hata Motohiro - Aoi Chou

Just a little, it touched my finger 
No, it didn't touch it perhaps 
It doesn't matter either way 
It was just like a bad dream 
Hey, where are you now I wonder?

The color of a blue butterfly's wings 
shines a brilliant rainbow color 
If that's true or not 
I still don't know

A sudden downhill road, on my bicycle 
I'm about to involuntarily close my eyes but 
I strongly withstand it and when I opened my eyes 
In the panorama opened before me I found a blue butterfly

So, come with me, let's go catch it 
I'll take you with me too 
What we wanted, saying this time for sure 
So much that I feel it might be torn off 
I'll try reaching out this hand

Things that went by before my eyes 
Things that I overlooked 
Become entwined, like a knot 
One by one it turned into regret

With one hand on the handles, I feel a bit unsteady 
But I'm going to pedal even harder 
I don't mind falling, If all I do is fall I don't mind 
I don't want to be soaked in my sentiments anymore

I'll reach out my hand and catch it 
I'll show it to you too 
If all it takes is to lose sight of things I wanted 
then I'll hold on so tight I may even crush it

So, come with me, let's go catch it 
I'll take you with me too 
What we wanted, saying this time for sure 
So much that I feel it might be torn off 
I'll try reaching out this hand 
So much that I feel it might be torn off 
I'll try reaching out this hand
(Credit: JpopAsia)