Keiichiro Koyama

TIDAK!!!! udah deh ini mah bener gue udah jatuh hati ama Koyama Keiichiro, mati kutu gue nih. Padahal waktu awaaaaaaaaal banget gue liat poster + foto NEWS, gue tuh ga ngeh ama nih orang. Trus pas lama - lama diliatin gue jadi mikir 'lumayan juga ya nih orang'. Begitu suka + nyari tau soal NEWS udah deh abis gue, kena juga akhirnya sekarang gue ngefans deh ama dia. Dia emang ga ganteng tapi mukanya tuh ga ngebosenin, dan sekarang bagi gue tuh dia amat sangaaat ganteng!!

Name: 小山慶一郎 (こやま けいいちろう)
Name (romaji): Koyama Keiichiro
Nicknames: Koyama, Keii or Kei-chan, Koyamacchi
Profession: Actor and singer
Birthdate: 1984-May-01
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Height: 177cm *
Weight: 59kg
Star sign: Taurus
Blood type: O
Family: Older sister

Talent Agency : Johnny's Entertainment

Dia tuh emang pangjangkungnya di NEWS, tapi aduh gara - gara liat dia di video summer time nih udah deh jadi kerangjingan ama Koyama deh KYA!!! he is so coool. Tidak senyumnya ada radiasinya parah nih si Koyama. NIh yah gue bilangin kadang - kadang di mata gue dia tuh berubah jadi mirip Rain Bi mau tau dimana aja contohnya, nih gue insert videonya tapi gue ga nanggung ya soalnya di situ si Koyama amat sangat, wuhuuu huu (red:keren, ganteng, hot, undescribeable), nih dia Koyama dengan Love addiction...

Wah aku jadi tergila-gila padamu Koyama!!! >_< bener - bener sesuai ama lagunya love addiction! "Love Addiction Only you are reflected in my eyes" iya kan iya kan? mirip ama lagunya. aduh gawat nih!! Koyama kau sungguh menarik hatiku!!! Dia tuh udah pernah main di film..

0 Goshitsu no Kyaku (Fuji TV, 2009)
Loss Time Life as Tsunami Kota (Fuji TV, 2008, Story 2)
Yukan Club as Kariho Yuya (NTV, 2007, ep6)
Hanayome wa Yakudoshi as Azuchi Jiro (TBS, 2006)
Kurosagi as Tanabe Satoshi (TBS, 2006, ep2)
Ns' Aoi as Kitazawa Takeshi (Fuji TV, 2006)
Gekidan Engimono Unlucky Days - Natsume no Mousou as Sanada (Fuji TV, 2004)
Kanojo ga Shinjyatta (NTV, 2004)

Berita terakhir yang gue denger sih dia bakalan jadi pembawa Berita tapi ga tau tuh di stasiun tv apa. Lagipula di sini kan ga bisa liat hiks.. hiks sedih TT_TT . Ini nih susahnya suka ama artis beda negara ribet dikit - dikit kudu ngenet lama - lama tekak juga nih kantong. Apalagi ntar gue harus masuk asrama untung cuma satu semester coba bertaun - taun ga bisa surfing lagi deh gue -_-.  OKe lanjut keterangan lain - lain yang gue dapet tentang dia nih, 

Speciality: Baseball
School: Meiji University major in Asian History
JPop Group: BAD, J-support, K.K.Kity, NEWS

"NEWS member Keiichiro Koyama (小山慶一郎) is decided to be the regular newscaster of the evening news TV program "news every." from March 29th.
The program will be aired on Thursday every week, and it seems to be another case for idols working on news program, following Arashi member Sho Sakurai (櫻井翔) casts NEWS ZERO every Monday on the same channel.

Koyama will be doing coverage on location this time. He will be interviewing people who are fighting for the tough life such as the handicapped, the old, young people who lost their jobs and staff of the institution for homeless or maltreated children.
NEWS Keiichiro Koyama to be the Regular Newscaster in New Program

"I have a chance to go on location this time, and meet those who have overcome difficulties and are surviving with courage face to face. I will try to communicate their life force to the audience. " said Koyama.

Koyama was the main character in the TV program "24-hour TV 32 (24時間テレビ32)" aired last August, in which he communicated with handicapped children by sign language and held a hand-shadow show. He continued learning sigh language after and achieved level 4 in Sign Language Proficiency Test, showing he is a serious man more than only an idol.

He is also known with high talking skill in Johnny's and works as the main emcee with KAT-TUN's member Yuuichi Nakamaru (中丸雄一) in "Za Shonen Kurabu (ザ少年倶楽部)", while he is being active in dramas and stage productions as well.

It seems news TV program fit Koyama very well. Koyama will definitely have a new start in the brand new field."

Nah itulah berita teranyar dari Koyama Keiichiro, kalo ada yang sama - sama ngefans bilang - bilang ya (leave comment please~~) nanti kita berbagi info tentang koyama oke - oke?? see you!!! ^__^ 

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